Plants are extremely compact and well-branched
as found in the multiflora type. However, they have large flowers
characteristic of grandiflora. The presented varieties are therefore
an exceptional blend of these two types, creating a unique combination
of the best characteristics we can expect in Mimulus. The short
time from sowing to actual sale of plants offers growers an excellent
opportunity to acquire an attractive marketable product quickly,
efficiently and cheaply. These are ideal plants for planting in
shady and humid conditions. They are resistant to mild frosts and
are therefore a good choice for cultivation in the spring and the
autumn. Unlike most annuals, they even tolerate partial shade well.
Suitable for use in pots and hanging baskets, either alone or together
with other flowers. However, they stand out best when planted alone
in places where their unusual flowers can truly come to the fore.
Unique colours:
Medius F1 Pastel Crimson and Medius F1 Yellow Bicolour.
E1340 Medius F1 Crimson Red
E1341 Medius F1 Deep Orange
E1342 Medius F1 Ivory Blotch
creamy with crimson spots and dots
weeks |
5-5.5 cm |
20–25 cm |
flower pots /
boxes /
beds |
pellets |
E1343 Medius F1 Pastel Crimson
E1344 Medius F1 Yellow Bicolour
yellow with a crimson pink eye coming out of the flower's throat
E1345 Medius F1 Yellow Flame
yellow with orange-red spots and dots
E1346 Medius F1 Pure Yellow
E1347 Medius F1 Mix